CLOSE PROTECTION Importance & Focus for Executive & VVIP Protection.
IOT & Smart InfrastructureArticle01 Sep, 2021

CLOSE PROTECTION Importance & Focus for Executive & VVIP Protection.

CLOSE PROTECTION security service, provided to corporates, individuals, and families with varying levels of perceived and verified threats.

Close Protection (C.P) is by definition a highly customized and close proximity security service, provided to corporates, individuals, and families with varying levels of perceived and verified threats.

Threats could have a personal motivation or could exist by virtue of a client’s professional roles and responsibilities. These are called Direct Threats.

Close Protection also called Executive Protection or VIP Security (in India), is also provided to individuals who are vulnerable only by virtue of a geographical area where they may be visiting or passing through. For instance, a region known for political unrest, civic violence, mob escalations, etc. These are called Indirect Threats.

Threats could be physical in nature, like abduction and assault, or could be more subtle targeting a client’s privacy, conversations, business data. For many of our clients, who are corporate leaders and HNI’s, the vulnerability is both Physical as well to their business and personal information. It is the role of the Close Protection team leader to properly assess the Threat Perception, the Vulnerability to the Threats, and Profile both the Threats and the Clients while planning a Close Protection Assignment. Due to the level of customization and their extent of proximity to a client, CP is primarily the forte of specifically trained professionals.

Professionally trained CP operators are extremely discrete and do not in any way hinder or hamper a Client’s day-to-day operations. In practice, they actually help to improve on daily schedules and commitments by assisting in activities beyond personal security by coordinating Travel management, Vehicle management, Liaison with officials, visitors, and guests.

Irrespective of the threat level, while providing security in a high or low profile environment, CP professionals must also project an open and cordial picture without compromising on their ability to limit risks and protect their clients in all circumstances.

At Maxgrid, an enterprise focused on Close Protection Services, they move forward in three distinct stages namely Profiling, Plan formulation, and Deployment. In addition to the CP personnel themselves, the Client is provided with Secure Transportation Services and Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (Protections against hidden tracking, listening, recording and other Audio/Video devices).

As a specialized profession, Close Protection goes back more than 2000 years with the Praetorian Guards in Rome to Chandragupta Maurya who was known to use women-only bodyguards who were highly trained and who escorted him on hunts and excursions. Even today, women form a very critical part of some Close Protection details providing security to Heads of States, Corporate Lady Travellers, families of HNI’s to name a few.

As an organization, they provide a very specific emphasis on the area of protection for ladies, through women who are highly trained professionals in the profession of Close Protection.

One of their Case Studies (Available on website pertains to a high-risk client’s attempted Abduction when our location was compromised by an internal threat, resulting in a mob of over 300 agitated people surrounding the area and threatening the client with violence. Specialist Close Protection Personnel extracted the Client and were subsequently pursued by vehicle-borne anti-social elements. The challenge was to execute a rescue in as legal a manner as possible under the circumstances, without causing any manner of collateral damage to public property or harm to the Client or his reputation. Ultimately, the Client was relocated to a safe haven, subsequent to which legal and law enforcement intervention was initiated.

Ultimately, Close Protection is a dynamic and high-intensity service demanding a high degree of professionalism, integrity, and commitment. We ensure that all our personnel, representing ex-military, Law Enforcement, and Corporate Security are equally committed to their mission and the company’s motto – Safety First!

MAXGRID SECURICOR is exploring Collaboration with :

  • Event Management Companies
  • Builders & Developers
  • Corporate HR
  • CXO Event Organisers

if You want to explore opportunities : Email: [email protected]

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